Fri 10 Jan
I LIKE it HOT and KINKY * horny BBW * porn star exp * A*nal - 27
(City of Montreal, Montreal, NDG - vendome - Montreal Ouest)
Wed 08 Jan
Sloppy B*low*job - c*o*f- c*i*m - - Balls sucking BBW ---- RIM*JOB * G*R*E*E*K --- ST JACQUES - 27
(Montreal, NDG - vendome - Montreal Ouest)
Mon 06 Jan
COME empty your b**alls in my m**outh - B*B*W - P*S*E - 27
(City of Montreal, Montreal, NDG - vendome - Montreal Ouest)
#1 S*quirter - H*orny BBW - A*nal - G*F*E - 27
(City of Montreal, Montreal, MONTREAL WEST / OUEST / NDG / Vendome)
Sat 04 Jan
THIS BBW will keep you warm;come enjoy and cu*m hard 44ddd Lasalle - 26
(City of Montreal, Montreal, NDG - vendome - Montreal Ouest WEST)
Fri 03 Jan
c*u*m QUEEN *** REAL MAN LOVES BBW * G*reek * s*quirt G*olden - 27
(City of Montreal, Montreal, NDG - vendome - Montreal Ouest)